Managing roles
Menu item: Manage > Permissions > Manage users rights
By clicking on a username on either tab (TMS users or Employee Portal users), you will get an overview of the roles the user has on each site. From here, click Change role to edit the roles the user has and View privileges to see which rights they currently have on that site.
This view also enables you to bulk add roles to different sites for a specific user.
Bulk adding roles (different sites, one user)
- Check the check-boxes next to the sites you wish to add roles to
- Click Add roles
- Check the role(s) to be added
- Click Save
By clicking on a site here, you are navigated to the site detail view for that site, where it’s possible to bulk add roles to users in a site.

Company manage privilege
Menu item: Manage > Permissions > Manage users rights
By clicking on a username in Manage users rights view, you open the detail view, which displays the roles the user has in each site. The detail view has two tabs – Sites and Company. You can activate the Company manage privilege from the Company tab.
NB! The Company manage privilege is special because asides from giving access to the Manage menu item, it enables all rights in all sites for the user regardless of what other roles they have (for example they can administrate courses and add privileges to users). Consequently, we recommend giving this privilege only to users who are allowed to do everything in Coursy.
Enabling the Company manage privilege
Menu item: Manage > Permissions > Manage users rights
- Find the user from either the TMS users or Employee Portal users tab (use the filter if necessary)
- Click on the username (opens the detail view)
- Open the Company tab
- Mark the Company manage check-box
- Click Save changes