Panels with statistics about your company’s more relevant information is placed at the top of the dashboard.
The panels give an overview of
- Employees who need planning within 3 months. One entry will be added for every course an employee needs to take (for example, if there are 2 courses the employee needs to take within 3 months, 2 entries will be added to the value here)
- How many times have courses been passed during the last 30 days
- The course success rate. Hover pointer over tooltip icon to see, how many employees have passed the course and how many have failed
- The percentage of employees who have passed all the mandatory courses (these are the courses with targets that match the employee’s position)

Training needs panel
This panel is identical to the training needs view. In the top right corner of the training needs table, you will find the link Add course, which enables you to conveniently add courses straight from the dashboard.

Automated planning groups panel
Automated planning (AP) groups panel displays AP groups general data, number of employees added to the AP group and AP group status. From this panel you can navigate directly to AP group editing view.
The AP groups can be used for planning courses that are general (e.g. courses for the new employees) or need to be taken repeatedly.
For automating the planning it is essential to determine the right targets for the course.

Scheduled courses panel
Use this panel to see which training times have been planned so far (all the training times of published occurrences can be found here).
To see which trainings take place on a certain date, choose that date from the calendar and the list of trainings planned for that day will be displayed below. The Pick a date range link makes it possible to view trainings that take place during a certain period.
The fields on the right side of the calendar enable you to filter the training times by course name, course targets, or trainer/training company.
The link View all (on the top right side of the panel) directs you to the Calendar view.

New employees panel
The New employees panel displays all new employees who have some mandatory courses without a training need deadline.
Mandatory courses are the courses that have a matching target with the employee’s position (DRL). For example, if the course target is “Marketing; All roles; All levels”, then the course is mandatory for all the employees who belong to the Marketing department (regardless of their role and level).
The panel’s table displays the number of employee’s mandatory courses and the number in the brackets displays how many of these courses are without a personal deadline.
Clicking on the number of mandatory courses opens the list of all the employee’s mandatory courses. You can add, edit and remove deadlines here.
The New employees panel displays the employees whose “Working since” date is within the past 30 days or in the future by default. You can use the filters to also display employees who have started working at some other time. You can also filter employees by name or site.
NB! The New employees panel only displays employees who have at least one mandatory course without a deadline. If you add deadlines for all the employee’s courses, then the employee won’t be displayed here anymore.