You will see the following information about classroom trainings in course overview:
- Training name
- Picture (if added)
- Description (if added)
- Training information – this link is displayed when the training is associated with study materials created in Materials menu item
- Link to external study materials – this button is displayed if you have added a URL address to external study materials when creating the course version. The name of the button that opens the URL is customizable
- You will see the following information for each training time:
- Time of taking place
- Trainers
- Room
- Places in the room
Registering to training times
The employees can register themselves to training times if
- the Employees are not allowed to register to trainings themselves checkbox is not checked (located in the occurrence’s Schedule view)
- the training has not begun
- the room has free places left
This option becomes especially handy when the training has multiple training times because it makes it possible for the employee to choose the time that suits them best. To register to a training time via the Employee Portal, click Pick this time.
Asides from the employees registering themselves, the TMS user can register employees to training times in Coursy.