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  4. Surveys
  5. Creating a new survey group

Creating a new survey group

Before adding a survey group, prepare a survey form and its questions. You can use an existing form or create a new form.

After creating a form, it’s time to add questions to it. There are different options for adding questions:

  • For adding a few new questions, it’s easiest to add them manually
  • To add many new questions, it’s convenient to import them (use for Radio and Free text type of questions)
  • Add existing questions from the questions pool

NB! When using question categories, assign 2. or lower level category to a question. 1. level categories are used for general grouping of question categories.

You can use different types of questions in surveys:

  1. Radio – multi-choice question to which the respondent can choose one answer
  2. Checkbox – multi-choice question to which the respondent can choose many answers
  3. Free text – the respondent writes the answer from scratch
  4. Scale – an assessment. You can choose how many points the scale has and define what the points stand for when adding the question.
  5. Matrix-Scale – use this type when you wish to use the same scale structure to assess different aspects/situations. When adding this question, the rows represent the aspects/situations. A separate scale is provided for every row (the scale is defined when adding the question).

Surveys can be filled out in multiple languages – to add translations to the questions, open the question’s detail view (by clicking on the question’s name) and click Manage translations.

Adding a new survey group

Menu item: Feedback > Surveys

  1. Click Add survey group
  2. Enter a name for the group
  3. Set the deadline
  4. Associate a form with the group
  5. (Optional) edit the introduction text
  6. Save (you are directed to the survey group’s detail view after saving)
  7. If you wish to create a multilingual survey then you can add translations from the Edit translations button in the top right corner
  8. Click Add participants
  9. Use the filters to find the employees
  10. Check the check-boxes of the employees you wish to include in the survey
  11. Click Add
  12. If the first search didn’t filter out all the employees you wish to include in the survey, repeat steps 6-8 until all the employees are added
  13. Send notifications to the participants